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Wednesday 16 January 2013

What's is your Purpose today !

For you Truly: What's is your Purpose today !
Purpose paints a picture in your spirit. It gives substance to an unseen thing that you feel or know inside you and which you must pursue. It helps you translate that vision so that you see it In a plan of action.

Purpose helps you maximise your energy; it gives you something to do. Purpose gives the time you have on your hand some meaning. It project you from merely being busy to being effective! effective! effective !!!

Purpose helps you to see a goal that will take you to your desired end. Make good and better choices and remember that not everything Deserve your time and energy so you must then prioritise and if you forget them let purpose answer the question for you. Because not everything you engage in is Necessary. Find what is start it follow it and finish it!!

The knowledge of purpose increases our confidence in Life and assures is that we are doing the right thing.
Make sense ?

Rock on!!!

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