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Saturday 19 January 2013

Love Of the Art

Love is considered by many philosophers to be the most potent force know to humans. When love is directed toward ones spouse and/ or one's chosen field of work, each waking moment brings with it a warm welcome which lead eternally into the house of Prosperity. There is no doubt in my mind that if the aspiring trader can truly learn to Love this art we call trading, no obstacle will be able to withstand the potent force created by the mighty combination of love and the desire to succeed. You see when a trader Loves trading, just for the sake of trading, losses won't even have the power to stand in the way. Set backs and period of crisis will be viewed as opportunities and compelling reasons to excel even higher. Traders today who magnificently endowed and endured and now have the ability to profit beyond most people's wildest dreams, they will tell you that they Love trading with all there hearts.
The question now is do they love trading becos they are winners today ? Or are they winners today because their love for the art of trading kept them alive when most individuals fell by the wayside without Love . I'm willing to bet the latter. Have a great weekend

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