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Sunday, 4 December 2011

Ebb & Flow

A wise man once said to me never forget the teaching of an ever flowing stream. The Market has been described in this fashion for many decades. and as traders, speculators or surfers we try to ride the waves and counter waves, Impulses, correction, The Rise and fall, zig and zag of theses movements. So I told myself try to understand the flow, Make sense of the rhythm of the seas the mild and turbulent, rough and smooth movement of the waters and stay calm like a fisher man does. The weather forecast will be the economic news that sets the tone for the day or week so stay alert. cause there could be some lighting The question is can you sail through the seas, see through the Matrix, and begin to understand the true nature of cause and effect. I believe that the Big Big Big boys are not that fussed, My Rich dad once told me that they are not even that smart, all the big boys want really is for you to keep it nice and simple. So i went once step further and i "Keep it KISS" (Keep It Stupidly Simple) Keep It Stupidly Simple and you will be fine. Leave the smart stuff for the wiz kidz for the other guy, Remember you're in the business of making Money and that’s it period. Still it’s taken a while to get over the devil, the anti not making money, ego in me. We as people find it so hard to keep it simple and unknowingly make life so difficult for ourselves. May be we like it, maybe we get off on it, may its one of those Freudism?, Still as usual the ego takes over and say's Na!!!! It can't be that easy that simple to make it happen got no patients for that and then it gets in the way of You’re positive thinking and convinces you to affirm it, say it believe it and then Universe turns and says "You're wish is my command" So plan affirm positively act confidently and so it will be. Make your Luck

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