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Saturday, 13 August 2011

The Magical Number 8

The magical number 8

This article is about the Magical number 8 why I’m so fascinated by this number that never ends. I use the number 8 as my fast line moving average on my charts How to use it just email me and I’ll tell you!!

Evolution of the glyph


The Europeans rounding the glyph that led to our modern eight.

The Cycles teaches us of the wholeness of life the lower cycle represents the lower world of thought like materialism and physical pleasure the upper cycle represents the higher realm of thought like spiritualism and the metaphysical. My mental vision is to have thoughts that flow from man lower to God higher and try to interpret the lesson from God higher to man lower. The number 8 denotes the law of cyclical evolution, the breaking back of the natural to the spiritual, the infinite merging from the higher to the lower realms heaven and earth, the Reaction, revolution, Inspiration following respiration, of the lungs, genius and eccentricity,

I find the number eight to be so sexy and has so many meaning in physics, science, Math and Culture. They say the number 8 represents wisdom, and learning through experience, stability, patience and responsibility. The number 8 is also a number of financial security, caution, restriction, self-discipline, and self-control.

And may I remind traders that number 8 is a Fibonacci number, being 3 plus 5. The next Fibonacci number is 8 is the only positive Fibonacci number, aside from 1, that is a perfect cube. The number 8 is involved with a number of other interesting mathematical phenomena related to the notion of Bott periodicity. For example if is the direct limit of the inclusions of real orthogonal groups then .


Way over my head………….~~@##~*”#£*%+_)*(&%^%***%$£”~@:~

The number 8 plays it role in nuclear physics and also the eightfold way to classify sub-atomic particles, in other words the number 8 is directly responsible for the building blocks of life its self. Still i’m in enthralled to find out that the number 8 also stands for oxygen and also the number 8 has been important in many cultures throughout history, but particularly in Asia. The Chinese believe it to be lucky because it sounds similar to their word for ‘wealth’ or ‘prosper’, Chinese businessmen are known to request hotel rooms with 8 in the room number. There are 8 immortal deities celebrated by Taoists and these frequently appear in Chinese art and popular culture. In ancient Japan the number 8 was regarded as holy, and Buddhists follow the Eightfold path to enlightenment believing this to be the way to achieve self-awakening.

Most interesting for us traders we are constantly learning and looking for a reason, and explanation or confirmation that the market is gonna sway one way or another in the cyber jungle of charts. Still Instinctual we know that over time words and symbols carry power and the magical number eight is that number, the number that symbolises destiny. It suggests that the direction of growth in your lifetime will be a move up the ladder of attainment in the material world, to achieve financial security, and status amongst your peers. The positive number eight points to the word destiny and guides the individual that realises it powers to plan, to complete what you started; and move towards becoming dependable and determined, ambitious and goal-oriented.

I must admit when I first think of the elegant and enchanting number eight my first thought is that this number never ends, as it swerves in and out like a belly dancers, so enticing and hypnotising you can get lost in its eternity. Then at the same time it is so calm and fluid as it moves across the waves of your chart right next to the King acting as its personal adviser. I often wonder what would happen if I was to push the number 8 on its side will it give me infinite balance? Yes it will.

In trading the number 8 tells me there is a change in direction it puts its arm around me and shows me support, or covers me in resistance and finally gives me confirmation. This number leads me to opportunity through repetition and experience as long as I can perceive and respect it correctly. From the beginning to the end it will enable one to transcend and evolve like a child with no structure, the seeking balance in structure. They say if you can harness the number 8 you can expect to receive the financial and material rewards once you can understand its powers with good judgment and risk reward management then you will understand how to build and accumulate material wealth. Much of your success must come due to your ability to judge the character of a particular pair as every animal is different in the financial world. With the number 8 calling on destiny along the yellow brick road, you will be well on you’re way in your affairs; Still be realistic and practical in your approach to business matters. While the magical number 8 symbol deals helps you deal with balance, time, and more interestingly, the recycling path of energy.

by Kasim Ijelu

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